Lee & Lucy

Destination: Brighton

Posted on by Lee Kelleher filed under VW Campervan Trip 2013.

Since Lucy's friend Andy was away on holiday, we decided to pick up the camper van a day early... we were off to Brighton!

Sat-nav said that the journey would be 4-hours (from Sheffield), adding an hour for pit-stops - 5-hours ... I didn't expect the M25 would add an extra hour to the drive!

6-hours later... we arrived in Brighton!

Welcomed by Rich & Jo, we took a stroll along the seafront. The girls had fun at a sandy play park, then we headed back for ice-creams!

Once we got the girls to sleep, we enjoyed a fantastic Thai take-away and a couple of bottles of wine.

The next day, while I finally visited our Brighton office (it's only taken me 3 years!), Lucy packed up the camper van. After lunch, Rich gave us a last-minute guide to the van... and we were off!