Lee & Lucy

Posts in the category 'northern-territory'

Fish Feeding at Darwin Harbour

We've just finished watching Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets, I promised Lucy that I'd take her to watch it at the cinema, as she didn't want to see it on cheap VCD in Malaysia, (only because I didn't want the audience laughter added - Lucy). Yesterday morning we spent recovering from the Litchfield trip, we even overslept and missed breakfast! (9:30am breakfast is a bit early for backpackers - Lucy). In the afternoon we checked up…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Jumping Crocs, Swimming at Waterfalls and Green Tree Ant

Our first couple of days in Darwin we spent relaxing, shopping and getting familar with the city center. Sorted out our Working Visas and MediCare cards (Australia's version of the NHS). Took a walk down to the coast, just really getting a feel for laid-back Darwin! Yesterday we got back into culture... NOT! Well sort of it, we got to see some of the delights of Australia's Northern Territory (NT to the locals).…

Posted on by Lucy Kehoe