Lee & Lucy

Archive listing for 2003-01

Quick Update

We haven't got round to writing up part 2 of our New Year yet, you'll have to be patient... We've been busy earning some cash for the rest of our trip. I've scored pretty well, getting a web development job. Unfortunately school doesn't start until Feburary, so Lucy has opted to do some door-to-door charity work. I've put a few more photos on the site, check them out in the "Perth" section. We'll try and do another…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

New Year Review - Part 1

We know that our postings have slowed down since we arrived in Perth, so here's a brief review of our Christmas & New Year. Christmas day down under is a very different experience from home, this is due to the weather, I realised this when on phoning home at 8 am, to catch people before they went to midnight-mass, and I was sweating buckets. It was a stinking 30-something degrees C! Prezzie opening was a…

Posted on by Lucy Kehoe