Lee & Lucy

Archive listing for 2003-04

Lord of the Dingoes: The Two Tours

Hi All, We've had a manic time over the past two weeks, lots to tell you about... I know some of you have to read the recent postings in more than one sitting, so we'll try and keep it short-n-sweet. Fraser Island: 4x4 Wheel Drive Adventure When we arrived at Dingo's Backpackers on Monday afternoon we attended a meeting to talk about the trip. After watching an 'exciting' video about Fraser Island, (How to stay safe…

Posted on by Lucy Kehoe

To Byron Bay... and Beyond!

Howdy dedicated readers, we've been upto all sorts since leaving Sydney... let us bring you up to speed... Pioneering Spirit: Ivan's 3-Day Tour: Sydney to Byron Bay Once John (The Bullet) finally got to the tour bus, and we gave him some abuse, we got on the road to Byron Bay. Our first stop was at Dr. Jurds for some Jungle Juice - a concoction of dregs and leftovers all mixed in a huge vat overnight...…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

The Sydney Experience

Sydney (23rd March - 3rd April) We were very lucky on the trains from Melbourne to Sydney, both times we managed to get four seats, meaning we could turn them into beds for a more comfortable sleep. We arrived at Central Station Sydney around 10am Sunday morning, Lucy's uncle Jim & Muriel were there to greet us. (Having not seen my uncle for at least 15 years it was amusing walking up the station smiling…

Posted on by Lucy Kehoe

Website Problems

Our web-hosting provider decided to make some changes to the web-server... so unfortunately the site was down for a couple of hours yesterday... hopefully everything is back to normal now! We've been writing up our latest posting, but its not ready to be published yet... maybe in a few days! Anyways we've gotta run... need to catch a bus to Surfer's Paradise at…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher