Lee & Lucy

Archive listing for 2006-01

Added Photo/Thumbnail Gallery

We've added more photos to our gallery now, click here to see it. There is also a new section that we're been working on called Fun & Games - which is going to have some fun stuff to do when you've finished reading (or re-reading) our travel log. Have fun and send us some…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

The Grand Re-Launch

We've been meaning to do a re-launch of Lee & Lucy.com for a while now... and since we've discovered the wonders of WordPress (blogging software), Lucy and I have gone through all the posts and have "categorized/organized" them so things are a lot easier to find. Saying that though, we still need to write up some of our World Tour diaries for New Zealand and Fiji - yes we know it's been over 2 and…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

My Name is Earl

Watching about 5 episodes of "My Name is Earl" last night... since we don't have any English TV out here, we're making do with downloaded TV episodes of Lost and 24. Yes I know its very naughty and illegal - but we need our American TV fix too! (Maybe if iTunes could allow UK users to download them also, I'd be happy to go legit). I've pretty much liked everything Jason Lee has been in...…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher