Lee & Lucy

Archive listing for 2006-04

Good Friday in Alicante

Last night we went into Alicante city to see the Good Friday processions. As you can see from the photograph here, we were slightly alarmed that the Ku Klux Klan were in town... but rest assured they are the Brotherhood (or Cofrad�as) and this is their traditional dress. After the street procession, we headed into San Juan de Playa to meet up with Lynsey & Co. for a few drinks at the Harley…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Upgraded the Photos section

A couple of weeks ago we wrote about our new flickr (photo sharing) account. Well thanks to the wonderful magic of WordPress plugins, (specifically one called FAlbum), we can show all the photos from our Flickr account on our website. You can either click the Photos link on the top menu bar, or just go here: http://www.lee-and-lucy.com/travelblog/photos.php "Why have we done this?" we hear you ask... well take a look for yourselves, it just looks so…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher