Lee & Lucy

Archive listing for 2006-10

Only a couple of weeks left...

We've re-arranged our flight back to the UK, we arrive in Bristol on Monday 13th November! (Lynsey and Kieran will have to put up with us for a little bit longer now ;-)). Lucy's Mum & Dad had a nice time here last week, they got back safe-and-sound on their massive drive back! We've spent the last few days taking it easy, visiting some new places, (we went to Altea yesterday - it's a nice place).…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Schmap Blog Partners

Since being asked to have some of our photos published in the (upcoming) Schmap Perth Guide, we have also become Schmap Blog Partners. (Which basically means that we did a link exchange! ;-)) Hopefully this may drive some more traffic to our site, (and theirs…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Not sure when we're leaving Spain now!?

Hola! buenos dias! A couple of weeks ago we booked our flight for when we finally leave Spain. I've been telling everyone that we're due to come 'home' on the 9th November... and everyone has been getting excited about that! (not completely sure why) ;-) Late last night, Lucy received an email from easyJet saying that our flight for the 9th November has been cancelled! We had a little panic, until we ready the small (ish)…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Spanish iPod Translator

This might sound like some dodgy advertising pitch... but a while ago I downloaded a "Free Spanish iPod Translator" (from coolgorilla/lastminute.com).  Although I haven't used it a lot, it has been useful when I have! :-P They've got other language packs: German, French and Greek. So if you've got enough space left on your iPod, it's always a nice resource to have available... just in case you completely forget how to ask for the bill…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Photos from our Barcelona trip

We've finally got around to uploading our most recent photos to Flickr. This include pics from our short trip to Barcelona and the San Juan Fiesta. …

Posted on by Lee Kelleher