Lee & Lucy

Archive listing for 2007-02

Name That Parrot!

We're still after suggestions for a name for our Parrot Letter Opener. My Mum suggested that we call him “Polly”, (I thought she'd said “Holly”), whilst Lisa said “Bertie”. Any other suggestions, please leave a…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Heading off to Alicante!

We're heading across to Alicante mid-week... Lynsey & Kieran are kindly putting us up! (or is that putting up with us?) Next weekend is the annual Alicante Carnival celebrations, (you might remember the shenangans that we got up to last year?!). We are going to be different this year and go in fancy-dress too! ... and we definitely will not be going to KFC at the end of the night!!! ;-) Kieran has just posted…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Our World Tour Video Clips on YouTube

Just a quick note to let you know that we're going to try to get some of out camera-video-clips uploaded on to YouTube. Here's one we uploaded recently for the Elephants dancing to Nirvana…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Who's a Pretty Boy Then?

This is the letter-opener that I've been telling you all about! We bought this little fella at an antiques fair a couple of weeks ago with the Christmas money Lucy's granddad gave us (Thanks Michael). It's around 90 years-old! The lady who sold it, told us that we need to name him... So if you've got any suggestions, please leave a…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher