Lee & Lucy

Archive listing for 2007-05

Woolton Bassett

We'll tell you all about our trip to Greece in our next post... but just wanted to share some photos we took yesterday in Woolton Bassett of the kids playing in the local park. We're very happy with our new toy! (Even if it did take us 5-months to get around to buying…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Journey through Ancient Greece - Mani & More!

Tomorrow, we're going on holiday! We'll be joining Lucy's Mum (Mary) and Aunty (Jane) on one of their "Journey through Ancient Greece" tours. I am told that this tour is different from their usual tours... We'll be travelling down to the Southern Peloponnese to explore the medieval castles & churches. The full itinerary of the tour can be found here. We bought a new camera last week, a Canon EOS 350D, which…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Lynsey & Kieran's New Arrival

Let's give a warm welcome to little Joshua Squires! :-D Kieran has posted more info over on their site. There are more photos of Joshua here. Congratulations to Lynsey & Kieran on your new addition to your…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher