Lee & Lucy

Archive listing for 2008-07

Attempted Hack

Photo by d70focus Yesterday there was an attempted hack on our website. We managed to sort it out before any damage was done, but it was a close call! If you notice anything suspect with the website, (like strange dodgy links to porno sites), then let us know straight away. I've written more about it on my other…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Katelyn's Christening

It's Katelyn's christening on Sunday 6th July. For all family and friends who are coming across, here's a detailed map of the Claverham area. St. Dunstan's Church (the white cross on the map) is on Claverham Road opposite a clearing which has security fencing at the front. Park in-front of the fencing then cross over the road and go through the a small gate way to the entrance of the small wooden…

Posted on by Lucy Kehoe