Lee & Lucy

Archive listing for 2002-12

New Photos!

We've uploaded some new photos to the site, check it out... we've categorised them into countries, so its easier to use now. Sorry we won't be able to do a catch-up posting until 2003. Happy New Year, all the…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Carols at Candle-lightning

Thanks to everyone who has sent us Christmas messages, for those who haven't... bar-humbug to you too :P We've only eight hours till Christmas, where as you have about 16 hours to go! hehehe - we open prezzies before you! Carols at Candlelight was an interesting experience. It had a of a Glastonbury feel to it, hundreds (possibly thousands) of people all sitting in a field with picnics, ready for a sing-song. We tried lighting our candles,…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

3 days to go...

We arrived in Perth yesterday afternoon, Mair & Mary picked us up from the airport, then drove us to our accomodation. Mair rents a house out to a man, who is currently away for the next three weeks, so Mair has let us stay there whilst he's away... This is amazing offer for us, and we'd want to say a huge thanks to Mair for this! Its going to help our budgeting beyond belief! With only…

Posted on by Lucy Kehoe

Seasons Greetings

With only four days left till Christmas, we've left it a bit late to send Christmas cards through pigeon-post... so we've gone techie. Click on the link below to view our Christmas card to…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Fish Feeding at Darwin Harbour

We've just finished watching Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets, I promised Lucy that I'd take her to watch it at the cinema, as she didn't want to see it on cheap VCD in Malaysia, (only because I didn't want the audience laughter added - Lucy). Yesterday morning we spent recovering from the Litchfield trip, we even overslept and missed breakfast! (9:30am breakfast is a bit early for backpackers - Lucy). In the afternoon we checked up…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Jumping Crocs, Swimming at Waterfalls and Green Tree Ant

Our first couple of days in Darwin we spent relaxing, shopping and getting familar with the city center. Sorted out our Working Visas and MediCare cards (Australia's version of the NHS). Took a walk down to the coast, just really getting a feel for laid-back Darwin! Yesterday we got back into culture... NOT! Well sort of it, we got to see some of the delights of Australia's Northern Territory (NT to the locals).…

Posted on by Lucy Kehoe