Lee & Lucy

Archive listing for 2006-08

The Houston Visit

Well the Houstons have been and gone... Petra and the kids head back to the UK, along with Lucy, on an epic drive across mainland Spain. Lucy phoned me this morning to say that they made it to the ferry at Santander, and were setting off shortly! They'll arrive at Plymouth about 8am tomorrow. I've posted some photos of the Houston's visit! Now I've got 10 days to do nothing but relax, swim and sunbathe... then…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Moved Apartments

As most of you are already aware, we moved apartments last week. The landlord of our old place uses it as a summer holiday home... so kicked us out (nah, wasn't that bad - we knew when we took the place on). We got the keys to the new apartment last Tuesday and spent a few days sorting, cleaning, moving, etc. It's a little smaller than our old apartment, but it has two major benefits:…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher