Lee & Lucy

Life on the Farm

Posted on by Lee Kelleher filed under General, Family.

Just a quick general update really...

We all had good fun at Lucy's 30th Birthday bash last week - "bash" being the operative word, as Lucy had a bit of a stumble and fall at the Ice Skating - she had a big (golf ball sized) lump on her knee for a few days - but it's all better now! The evening meal was great too!

We haven't got any photos of the day (yet); our camera isn't working properly at the moment - if anyone did take some photos - please send them our way!

In other news, Lucy is now working - she started last Wednesday for North Somerset Housing. I'm not really sure what her job entails (I'm a bit of a crap boyfriend at the moment).

Today is James's 5th Birthday! Em and Steve bought him a Power Rangers S.P.D. Scooter, so he's one happy kid now! (I am told that the "S.P.D." bit stands for "Space Patrol Delta" - but I still keep accidentally calling it "S.T.D." - doh!)