Lee & Lucy

Posts in the category 'holidays/vw-campervan-trip-2013'

Destination: Brighton

Since Lucy's friend Andy was away on holiday, we decided to pick up the camper van a day early... we were off to Brighton! Sat-nav said that the journey would be 4-hours (from Sheffield), adding an hour for pit-stops - 5-hours ... I didn't expect the M25 would add an extra hour to the drive! 6-hours later... we arrived in Brighton! Welcomed by Rich & Jo, we took a stroll along the seafront. The girls had fun…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Visiting Matt & Lucy

Upon leaving Farmer Ted's Farm Park, we headed over to sunny Sheffield to visit Matt & Lucy. The drive over was a typical M62 rush-hour journey - lots of traffic, many "go slow" bits - all good fun! We arrive at Matt's house in time for dinner -- a build-your-own gourmet burger - which the girls loved! (Thanks Lucy B!) Followed by a build-your-own ice-cream sundae - which the girls loved x10! (Huge thanks again Lucy…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

The leaving of Liverpool

Before leaving Liverpool, we thought it would be fun to amend our route a little more. A day earlier, we'd sent out messages to Matt, (a good friend of mine from the Umbraco community) and Andy, (a childhood friend of Lucy's), to see if they'd like some unexpected guests. Unfortunately, Andy & family were away on holiday - so we must arrange to catch with them soon! Luckily, Matt (and his wife, Lucy - yes, another Lucy!),…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Blake's first birthday and Farmer Teds

Wednesday was my nephew, Blake's, first birthday! To celebrate, we all had a day out at Farmer Ted's Farm Park!  The kids had a great time seeing all the animals and enjoyed the tractor…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

A revised plan

The best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray\n\nWe've revised the route and timings of our trip.\n\nBy coming up to Liverpool earlier (and spending a little more time with family), we can use the camper van at a more leisurely pace later on.\n\nSo far we've been to the Liverpool World Museum (twice) and the newly refurbished Liverpool Central…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

VW Campervan Trip 2013

Given that things like Facebook and Twitter have seemed to replace our blog over the past few years, I've been looking for an excuse to breathe some life back into it. So what better way than to post about our upcoming holiday! In a couple of weeks time, we'll be borrowing a classic VW campervan from Rich (my business partner) and taking it on a road trip! So far the plan is set off from Bristol;…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher