Lee & Lucy

Archive listing for 2006-12

Merry Christmas Everyone

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, lots of love (and hugs) from all of us at The Farm! We're off down The Rising Sun (aka "the local" ) tonight for some Christmas Eve shenanigans... Wish me luck! Can you guess what I want for Christmas? (yep, you guessed it... no hangover!) ;-) (yeah right! - Lucy) UPDATE: (01:07am) I survived... not very sober, but still able to type... Merry Christmas one and all... nighty…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Light Up Bristol

Unfortunately, we hadn't heard anything about the festive light show (Light Up Bristol) that's been on for the past two nights. Light Up Bristol - Bristol Media's specially devised festive light show featuring 400 feet wide(120m) images.The show will use projectors to light up The Council House with a rotating array of colours, patterns and textures, from 6pm - 10pm on 18 and 19 December 2006. Fortunately, one of my good friends (James) was there last…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

A Local Pub (for Local People)

What an eventful weekend it has been! We had a quiet night at the local pub, (which ended in drunken stupidness), and we went to Anita's Christening, (which also ended in drunken stupidness) - are you starting to notice a theme building here? Early Friday evening, little Thomas decided that we were all going down to the pub! (Thomas is only 3 years-old by the way). So we all went down to the local -…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

The Ghost of Grove Farm

We finally got around to watching Pirates of the Caribbean 2 last night - it was quite good, although I still prefer the first one better!  After the film we got talking about ghosts, (maybe it was because Em got this video in an email?), which led to Steve telling us about The Ghost of Grove Farm! I can't remember all the details, but strange things would start to happen if Steve's Great Grandfather's shotgun…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Life on the Farm

Just a quick general update really... We all had good fun at Lucy's 30th Birthday bash last week - "bash" being the operative word, as Lucy had a bit of a stumble and fall at the Ice Skating - she had a big (golf ball sized) lump on her knee for a few days - but it's all better now! The evening meal was great too! We haven't got any photos of the day (yet);…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher