Lee & Lucy

Archive listing for 2009-03

Walk over Cadbury Hill

We live incredibly close to Cadbury Hill, yet we hardly ever make the time to go walking around there. So one Saturday morning we decided to go for a walk over the hill, head across The Star for lunch and slowly wander back. We knew that Cadbury Hill wouldn't be ideal for pushing Katelyn in her buggy/pram... so we brought out "the harness"!  Unlike other harnesses I've used, this one has the baby on the back.  I…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher

Katelyn's First Birthday

Since Katelyn's 1st Birthday fell mid-week, we thought it would be best to have a little party the weekend before, so that most people could make it. What started off an a simple get together for "tea & cake" slowly spiralled out of control.  A few sandwiches turned into a buffet and the teas & coffees turned into beer and wine (and plenty of it) ... and there was still lots of cakes! I'd set-up an…

Posted on by Lee Kelleher